Our Field

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Our mini soccer 1 field is a loads of fun for you and your friends to play in! Using our second field to be divided into two half fields for the total of 4 teams to play simultaneously. Feel the excitement of watching two intense mini soccer match played by your friends and family from the bench. Mini soccer is the best way of holding youth soccer competitions and teaching fair play from the early age. Take part of all the fun from playing mini soccer!

55m x 45m
Field Type
Mini Soccer
Grass Type

Price List

Session Time Price
Weekdays Weekends / Holidays
06:00 - 07:50 Rp 1.870.000,- Rp 2.025.000,-
08:00 - 09:50 Rp 1.870.000,- Rp 2.025.000,-
10:00 - 11:50 Rp 1.870.000,- Rp 2.025.000,-
12:00 - 13:50 Rp 1.870.000,- Rp 2.025.000,-
14:00 - 15:50 Rp 1.870.000,- Rp 2.025.000,-
16:00 - 17:50 Rp 2.025.000,- Rp 2.025.000,-
18:00 - 19:50 Rp 2.025.000,- Rp 2.025.000,-
20:00 - 21:50 Rp 2.025.000,- Rp 2.025.000,-
22:00 - 23:50 Rp 1.870.000,- Rp 1.870.000,-