Our Field

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Lapangan 1 exclusively built with the state of the art facilities to create an experience of playing as a true professional football player. Using the latest technology of 60 mm thick fiber grass that is perfectly safe for players from injury caused by sliding of falling onto grass. Using heavy strong goal post with FIFA standard net. The field dimension follows FIFA’s standard as part of our commitment on sharing FIFA standard facilities for everyone to experience. Bring your love ones to watch your football game from our audience stand that is family friendly protected from unexpected ball strikes with our steel fence and roof from rain and sun ray heat. Each facility is maintained regularly by our professional crew. Surrounded by advertising boards around the field to add a football experience in each photographs your team receives from your photographer. Experience playing in the evening to see a magnificent scenery of the day change with the sun set reflecting Jakarta’s sky scrappers. You wont experience the beautiful game any else where except here in Pancoran Soccer Field!

100m x 68m
Field Type
Full Soccer
Grass Type

Price List

Session Time Price
Weekdays Weekends / Holidays
06:00 - 07:50 Rp 2.860.000,- Rp 4.250.000,-
08:00 - 09:50 Rp 2.860.000,- Rp 4.250.000,-
10:00 - 11:50 Rp 2.860.000,- Rp 4.250.000,-
12:00 - 13:50 Rp 2.860.000,- Rp 4.250.000,-
14:00 - 15:50 Rp 2.860.000,- Rp 4.250.000,-
16:00 - 17:50 Rp 4.250.000,- Rp 4.250.000,-
18:00 - 19:50 Rp 4.250.000,- Rp 4.250.000,-
20:00 - 21:50 Rp 4.250.000,- Rp 4.250.000,-
22:00 - 23:50 Rp 2.860.000,- Rp 2.860.000,-